Golden Plums - Fruits by Chile


I found Golden Plums recently at T&T and decided to give them a try. They’re small, round and roughly the size of a golf ball. It has a thin golden outer skin, easy to chop and has a small pit. The inner flesh has a beautiful amber colour which gives dishes a vibrant show stopping look. Like other plums, the golden plum is very sweet and juicy. It has a tart aftertaste due to the skin. The meat of this fruit is firm but easily bitten into. If you let it overripe a little the meat will soften and get even sweeter.

Nutritional Info:

  • Good source of vitamin K, vitamin C, copper, dietary fiber, and potassium

  • Plums have a low glycemic index value, which means eating them can help you control your blood sugar and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes

  • Contain phenols, which are powerful antioxidants known to neutralize cell-damaging free radicals


I found this recipe over at Fruits from Chile which has a library of recipes for fruits imported from Chile.

Prepare Peaches

Score the bottoms with an X. Then blanch in boiling water for 30 seconds to make it easy to peel the skin off starting at the X. Cut into small pieces and discard the pits. If you enjoy the tart aftertaste you can leave the skin on.

lady fingers & coffee

Dip the non-sugary side of each ladyfinger biscuit very briefly into cold coffee. Don’t let it sit or the biscuit will absorb too much and crumble.

My serving cup wasn’t wide enough to fit the ladyfinger biscuits in whole so I snapped them into 1/3 chunks for layering. I started off with a layer of ladyfingers at the bottom, followed by Greek yogurt, and peaches. I repeated the same layering a 2nd time and garnished with mint. The recipes recommends stirring almond flavouring with the Greek yogurt but I opted out of that step.

You could make a bunch of these and store them in the fridge covered with food wrap. The flavours will come together nicely if prepared the day before but I ate mine after making it.